Master of Arts in Teaching, August 2020
University California, Irvine
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (SB2042) with English Learner Authorization (AB1059), July 2020
State of California
Bachelor's of Arts in Communication Studies,
Minor in Spanish, May 2016
Study Abroad in Santiago, Chile
California State University, Chico
Teaching Experience
Teacher, Grades K and 1 - August 2022 - Present
Newport-Mesa Unified School District
- Established strong classroom management systems to support progression of grade level curriculum.
- Accelerated reading growth by utilizing District provided curriculum, Fundations phonics, and differentiated guided reading groups.
- Collaborated with individual students, our on-site behavior specialist, and parents to create a "Check-in, Check-out" system in order to support behavioral and academic goals.
- Integrated ELA and STEAM through hands-on activities throughout the day.
- Facilitated RULER, the District's SEL program with my students through the Mood Meter and Calm Down Corner.
Teacher, Grade 1 - August 2021 - May 2022
Benson Elementary School, Title I, Tustin Unified School District
- Established strong classroom management systems to support progression of grade level curriculum.
- Implemented a Balanced Literacy Program, increasing at or above grade-level readers from 54%- 81%.
- Scaffolded learning for all students including Rich CGI Math Tasks and differentiated guided reading.
- Utilized Writer's Workshop, TWIG Science, and District provided Social Studies curriculum.
- Connected with families to optimize student success during community events, IEPs, and conferences.
- Focused on whole-child learning by using restorative practices, teaching growth mindset, and practicing mindfulness during P.E., brain breaks, and in the "calm-down corner" in my classroom.
- Successfully completed the OCDE Induction Program, with a focus on student reading achievement
Teacher, Grade 3 - August 2020 - May 2021
Richman Elementary School, Title I, Fullerton School District
• Successfully completed one year of the FSD Induction Program, strengthening my pedagogy and reflection skills.
• Created and implemented hybrid and distance learning experiences for a class of 50% ELLs.
• Utilized Spanish abilities to communicate with parents regarding child's strengths, supports, and needs.
• Emphasized the importance of class community and social-emotional learning during COVID-19 pandemic.
• Transformed Lucy Calkin's Reader's and Writer's Workshops and CGI Math to teach students online.
• Supported students with learning and speech disabilities (IEPs) through differentiated instruction and UDL.
• Planned school-wide PBIS program as a member of PBIS team, ensuring fidelity across grade-levels.
• Informed intervention and instruction with DIBELS, i-Ready, Unit tests, and formative assessments.
Student Teacher, Grade 3 - January 2020 - June 2020
Esencia K-8, Rancho Mission Viejo, Capistrano Unified School District
• Built distance learning experiences that amplified student voice using Zoom, Google Apps, and FlipGrid.
• Integrated technology across the curriculum including Adobe Spark, Padlet, and EdPuzzle.
• Supported students with Autism and ADHD, implementing accommodations on their IEPs to reach goals.
• Implemented Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) math strategies, including rich tasks and discussions.
• Created and facilitated innovative, research-based lessons, using UDL strategies to support all learners.
• Informed intervention and instructional decisions with DIBELS, FactsWise, and formative assessments.
• Utilized flexible seating for all students to allow for student choice and collaboration.
Student Teacher, Grade 1 - August 2019 - December 2019
R.H. Dana Elementary School, Title I, Dana Point, Capistrano Unified School District
• Launched a Spanish Dual Immersion Program alongside the First Grade team.
• Focused on whole-child learning by using restorative practices, a school wide PBIS program, teaching
growth mindset, and practicing mindfulness during P.E., brain breaks, and in the "mindfulness room".
• Utilized differentiated instruction and ELD strategies to accommodate class demographics of 60% ELLs.
• Participated in weekly PLC meetings with staff to analyze and assess data to promote student learning.
• Attended professional development workshops including Education Health, ELD, and FOSS Science.
Substitute Teacher - January 2019 - May 2020
Capistrano Unified School District, San Juan Capistrano
• Displayed resilience and flexibility in assignments from grades K-12.
• Fostered a warm and caring classroom environment, inclusive of all students.
• Implemented classroom management systems depending on class demographics
and affect.
• Implemented teachers' lessons in a creative manner, striving to challenge and
engage students, while accommodating student's individual abilities and needs.
• Encouraged the social development of students by facilitating meaningful
opportunities for play.
Additional Experience
Waitress - October 2018-December 2019
Flights and Irons Urban Kitchen, San Clemente, CA
Event Coordinator- August 2016-July 2018
Marriott International, Anaheim, CA
Professional Development & Qualifications

• Proficient in Spanish Language, Oral and Written
• Google Certified Educator Level 1
• Proficient in Microsoft and Apple products, Seesaw, Classroom Dojo, Nearpod, FlipGrid, Adobe Spark, and HyperDocs
• National Council of Teachers of Mathematics member
• CUE (Computer-Using Educators) member
• Lives in Limbo Conference by Dr. Robert Gonzales
• Health in Education Conference
Elementary and Middle School Classroom Aid
Ronald McDonald House Charity
Community Action Volunteers in Education (C.A.V.E.)

References available upon request.